Motorcycle Training
Ride Forever Certified Provider
A separate booking is required for each person attending a course
Rideforever Silver
Make sure you have selected the correct course and venue!
*First name(s)
(as it appears on your licence)
*Date of Birth
*Home Phone No
Mobile Phone No
*Email Address
*Driver Licence Number
*Licence Type
*How many years have you been riding?
*Class 6 Licence Issue Date
*Have you ever had a motorcycle accident?
Accident Description
*How do you use your motorcycle?
*Motorcycle Style
*Motorcycle CC Rating
*How would you rate your current skill level? (1=low 10=high)
*Skills you would like to improve
*Have you attended a Ride Forever course before?
Promotion Code
(if you have been given a promotion code enter it here)
*Payment Options
*Additional Information
(Max. 240 characters)
Please read the Terms and Conditions before booking
ACC may use your email address to contact you for a brief, optional and anonymous survey asking how useful the course was for you and how it could be improved.